Here are five helpful hints and tips for you to get your ex girlfriend back, no matter how and why you broke up:
#1 - talk to her. Why did she leave you? What was wrong in your relationship? You cannot sort out a problem if you do not know what the problem is, and if you do not ask her, unless you want to guess, there is no way of finding out. If she won't talk to you, send her an email, text her once, and phone her once. (Not all at once!) Tell her that you appreciate she needs space, but when she is ready to talk, you would love to listen. Give her a couple of weeks, and then try again.
#2 - listen to her! It's all very good and well asking her what the problem is, but if you don't listen, you are still no clearer to being able to get your ex girlfriend back, and the whole asking process would have been a waste of time. (Especially if you had to wait a couple of weeks to talk to her)
#3 - remember that her friends and her family will be on her side. Although you would think that if you are grown up to be in a relationship, you will be grown up to break up in a dignified manner, but that is not the case. There will be sides, and there will be obstacles, especially if you, the man, is in the wrong! Trying to talk to her friends will be impossible, and will just give them more ammunition to tell her not to get back with you. Only talk to such people if you are sure you are not in the wrong!
#4 - make the appropriate changes. If she left because you never do the dishes, start doing the dishes, even when she is not around, just to prove a point, not only to her but to yourself. If you have cheated, well that's a different matter, and to get your ex girlfriend back after such an incident, you need to earn back her trust. If you are not romantic, add a few romantic touches to your relationship, and try romantic gestures to win her back. Whatever the problem, there will be a way to fix it, and if you are that dead set on getting her back, you will try anything.
#5 - keep the changes going. If she doesn't come back straight away, don't jump into bed with the next available female, pine for her. Miss her, and realize why you want the relationship back. Tell her this, by email. (It's easier and less embarrassing than when you do it face to face) If you want to get your ex girlfriend back, work for her!
Discover today on how to win your ex girlfriend back after breaking up. Over 85% of people fail to get back together with their ex because they make silly mistakes. Don't be part of the statistics and find out how you can get back together. You will find out proven step by step approach you can use to win back your ex girlfriend.